
Monthly Archives: December 2021


Category Archives: Interview

Looking to perfect your interview process? This section details strategic approaches, tips and tricks you can use to perform a flawless interview. How you sell yourself on an interview is crucial in the application process. Gain the insight you need to take a leg up on the competition.


Category Archives: Career Development

Are you looking to further your career? These articles emphasize valuable tips and tricks you can use to grow as a professional. Learn your strengths and weaknesses and improve upon areas of opportunity. We’re here to help you further your reach and develop your career into something rewarding.

Retail Industry Job Applications

Category Archives: Retail Industry Job Applications

Retail Industry Job Applications

Victoria’s Secret Application

    Victoria’s Secret is a renowned American designer and manufacturer of premium women’s lingerie, women’s clothing, and a variety of beauty products. With yearly sales of over $6 billion, it is easily the largest retailer of its kind. With a Victoria’s Secret application, you’ll have everything you need to join this wildly successful company. […]

Hy-Vee Employment Job Application

Hy-Vee is a unique chain of supermarkets in the sense that it is employee-owned. Unlike franchises or corporate companies, Hy-Vee’s stocks are held by people who work with the company, which allows them to invest in their own future. Locations are primarily found throughout the Midwestern United States. If you’re interested in working here, today […]

Tom Thumb Employment Job Application

Tomb Thumb Food & Pharmacy is a chain of grocery store supermarkets located in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex. They operated under a traditional banner and a high-end flagship store banner in affluent areas of the region. This company comprises the Southern division of Albertsons. As of May 2015, this place is the number two supermarket […]

10 Fresh Tips on How to Talk About Weaknesses on an Interview

10 Fresh Tips on How to Talk About Weaknesses on an Interview

Weaknesses on Intervirews


It is the all-time dreaded interview question, “What are your biggest weaknesses?” This isn’t something you want to boast about during your interview. You want to talk about everything that is good about you, and avoid any of the yucky stuff. It’s like dating for the first few months. You want to show your best self, and hide anything you might see as ugly…like weaknesses.


SEE ALSO: 6 Differences Positive Energy Makes in the Workplace (You’ll Never Guess #6)


However, you have to learn how to talk about weaknesses for your job interviews, and you have to be honest. If you’re not prepared you can get thrown off and you start flopping around. You’ve aced the interview thus far, and with one question your entire job interview is out the window. 

Job interviewers are looking for your preparedness on this difficult question because they want to know how self-aware you are. 

10 Fresh Tips on How to Talk About Your Weaknesses:

  1. Be Prepared: You must be prepared for this question, and to do that you have to get to know yourself. That includes what you aren’t good at or in which areas you blunder. Take an online personality test to see where your weaknesses are. You will be one step ahead of other interviewees when you know what your weaknesses are. We all have strengths and weaknesses. Get to know yours.
  2. Not Job-Related: Talk about weaknesses that don’t necessarily relate to the job you are applying for. For example, if you are applying for a job doing data entry you could talk about your weakness as a public speaker. It’s not going to affect your job as a data entry person, but it is a weakness. 
  3. Be Specific: Avoid general statements such as “I’m bossy”. This goes back to knowing yourself. The job interviewer will want to know how you’re bossy and why, but that person shouldn’t have to ask those questions. Be prepared with a specific statement about your weakness or weaknesses. 
  4. Avoid it: This might conflict with the other advice in this article about how to talk about weaknesses, but you can talk about any past weaknesses that you have improved upon. This not only shows that you are self-aware, but also that you have the drive to overcome those weaknesses and work on them. Maybe your biggest weakness was public speaking, so you decided to join Toastmasters, an organization that helps people afraid of public speaking ease into it and become excellent public speakers. When you tell an interviewer about working on your weaknesses you are showing an amazing strength.
  5. Never Say This: There are some weaknesses that you should never say during a job interview. This includes the following: “I don’t do well accepting feedback”, “I don’t work well in groups”, “I am not reliable”, and “I cannot be trusted”. When you say any one of these statements you’ve lost the job opportunity. Look for a different way to talk about your weaknesses or choose a different one to talk about. 
  6. Don’t be a Robot: While you do want to prepare for this dreadful interview question, you should not have a word-for-word response prepared. Prepare it to the point where you can talk about it without just rehearsing a line. This should be part of the entire job interview conversation. You want to be genuine. 
  7. Avoid Personal Weaknesses: No job interviewer wants to know about your personal life drama. Stick with weaknesses that would be related to working, even if it’s not related to the specific job you are applying for. 
  8. I’m a Perfectionist: Avoid phrases like this (like “I work too hard”) that will only annoy your interviewer who will have to ask you for another example of a weakness, or move on to the next question. You will have lost at that question. 
  9. Know the Question: The purpose of this question during a job interview is to throw you off, ask something you’re not prepared for, and see how you react to it. That’s why you want to prepare for it, but not regurgitate a rehearsed line. The interviewer just wants to see how you handle a difficult and unexpected situation. 
  10. Be Honest: Don’t lie about your weaknesses. Everyone wants to know the tricks on how to talk about weaknesses, but there really aren’t any. You just have to be honest about them, get to know them, improve your weaknesses, and just be conversational during the interview. Be honest. 

Now that you know how to talk about weaknesses during a job interview, get out there and blow them away. Take the personality test so you know where your weaknesses are and start working on them so they are no longer weaknesses. During your next job interview you can talk about how you overcame your biggest weakness. 

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4 Examples of Fresh and Effective Cover Letters

4 Examples of Fresh and Effective Cover Letters


Gerald Buck

It is time to give your cover letter a thorough update. Get rid of that boring old one with the blah terms and go with something that shines above all of the others. Revamp yours with these effective cover letter examples.

Nearly everyone starts their cover letter with something like, I am writing in response to your job opening, blah, blah, blah. How would you feel about that line if you had to read 30 cover letters starting like that?


Cover Letter



Fed up?

That’s how hiring managers and recruiters feel when they see a cover letter that start out with this tired sentence. Get rid of it. Right now. I’ll wait.

Did you delete it? Good. Let’s move on.

The opening line to your cover letter is essential. Let’s kick it up a notch with these examples.

1. Job Title and Accomplishments

Wow them with your job title and your best accomplishments. This is a common way to go for cover letter opening lines because it grabs the hiring manager’s attention. Here’s a great cover letter example with the job title and accomplishments:


SEE ALSO: 12 Proactive Things to Do if you Don’t Hear Back From Your Interview


As a social media consultant for XY Company, I manage several media outlets. I’ve tripled our audience on Facebook and doubled our followers on Twitter by implementing new marketing strategies.  

See how it jumps out at you? You’re mentioning your job title and what you have done for that company. Always use your best accomplishments that are relevant to the job you are applying for.

2. Show Some Excitement

Cover letters can often be drab and stagnant. That can leave the hiring manager wondering if you’re really interested in the job opportunity or not. Don’t leave them with any doubts with an exciting cover letter opening line. Excitement and enthusiasm shows you are a dedicated and motivated person. Here’s an example:

I was excited to find a job opportunity in human resources with ABC Company because your work with (include a specific example) is important to me. I am the best candidate for this job opening because of my experience in human resources and (something specific).

Hiring managers and recruiters love to see someone excited about a job opening. When you show you’re excited they will be checking your qualifications instead of deleting your cover letter.

3. Keywords and Key Phrases

Hiring managers are often scanning cover letters looking for keywords and phrases related to the job opening for which they are hiring. Not including them could get your application deleted. There are also recruiters and hiring managers that use keyword tracking software to scan applications for them. If yours doesn’t include the right keywords, or enough of them, they may never see it.

I’ve been in public relations for years. My strongest areas of expertise are verbal and written communications. I have honed my public relations skills, which include leading a team, media relations, social media management, and community engagement.

I have experience writing press releases, press kits, interviewing, marketing campaigns, building relationships with reporters, managing a PR calendar, and analyzing the results of these efforts to improve them.

This cover letter is packed full of keywords that will pass the application tracking software and make it to the hiring manager’s desk. They’ll love reading the keywords that match their job description, too.

4. Referrals from Networking

If you have been referred to the job opening by someone from your professional network you need to include this in the beginning of your cover letter. It’s name dropping, and it’s good. The hiring manager will want to check out why your referrer thinks you’re a good fit for the job. Here’s a good cover letter example for a referral:

My name is Sarah Smith and I recently spoke with your hardware computer engineer, Steven Smith,  who told me about your job opening in the communications department. He recommended that I contact you about this opportunity because of my experience in the industry.

This will get the hiring manager interested in your background because a mutual colleague has referred you.

Cover Letter Basics

A cover letter needs to be a short introduction to the hiring manager or recruiter who has a job opening. This goes in with your application and resume. The first thing they will see is your cover letter.

The goal is to get the hiring manager to be interested and impressed enough to move on to reading your resume and application. It has to be concise, engaging, interesting, impressive, eye-catching, and professional. Don’t forget to customize each cover letter to each company’s job opening.

Use these effective cover letter examples to get your creative juices flowing and write some nice cover letters you can send out to the job openings you are interested in. A stellar cover letter can help you land your dream job.

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12 Proactive Things to Do if you Don’t Hear Back From Your Interview

12 Proactive Things to Do if you Don’t Hear Back From Your Interview


Proactive Things to do While Waiting


After some meticulous work, you finally landed that job interview you’ve long desired and you think you nailed it.


Maybe you could have done better, and you begin to ask yourself retroactively, “what did I do wrong?”


Regardless of what you tell yourself, you’re still waiting for a phone call, email or maybe even an eagle with a note in its beak – you’ll take anything at this point. You wait and wait and wait and yet there isn’t a response.

Here come the questions again…


Did I highlight my weaknesses?


Should I not have said how much I previously earned??


Did they hire someone else and couldn’t have the decency to tell me???


Maybe I got the job! Did they try to call and I missed it somehow???? 


Not hearing back after a job interview is much worse than getting a call saying that you didn’t get the job. There is so much anxiety, confusion and the what-ifs to plague your mind with filth. Your impatience begins to grow into a steady anger.


SEE ALSO: 10 Fresh Tips on How to Talk About Weaknesses on an Interview


Why won’t they just call you? Apparently, this happens a lot. According to a 2013 study by CareerBuilder, 60% of potential employees who got an interview have experienced this, and this was a study involved 3,991 applicants. That’s more than half of those people just sitting around waiting for a response – a result – from their job interview. How aggravating!

So, why in the world is this notion so common and why should we have to deal with it? “Sadly, many times it is simple rudeness that is present when a candidate never gets a response after a job interview,” says HR expert Steve Kane.

Every employer should follow up with an interviewee after a job interview. It’s simply rude and unprofessional to not have the common courtesy. When you go through the effort for your interview, you deserve a response. If you show up wearing flip flops and snapping gum, well, that’s a different story. The interviewer should let you know why you’re not going to get the job right then and there, but we live in reality so lets get back to the topic at hand.

There could be a number of reasons why you’re not getting a response, even if it is unjustified:

  • The interviewer is too busy, and your potential employment may not be the highest priority of their responsibility (you will often find this in smaller companies and large conglomerates!)
  • They are not interested in hiring you and didn’t think twice to let you know.
  • The interviewer doesn’t want to call you to have an uncomfortable talk about why the company isn’t going to hire you. Sometimes, its just a sensitive subject and interviewers just don’t have the heart to break yours.

So, they remain quiet instead of getting into an uncomfortable conversation they are clearly trying to avoid. If they want to hire you they will come after you. However, being comfortable isn’t always possible.

Their comfort is at your expense of what-ifs and whys and it’s not fair. But, when is life fair?

You should get a follow up, even if it’s negative. It’s better to know. When the people in the CareerBuilder study were asked about the process, 42% said they would not apply for a position with a company if they were not satisfied with the way their application process was handled. So, the company essentially loses you forever when not following up.

That company would even lose business and other potential employees, because 22% would tell others not to apply there and 9% would recommend not buying their products or services. It’s in the company’s interest to follow up!

12 Proactive Things to do if You Don’t Hear Back from Your Interview


  1. Make the First Move: Follow up yourself. Don’t be a pain in the butt or be rude about it. Just send a simple and professional reminder after about three days. Don’t wait too long, or you could come across as uninterested.
  2. Show Initiative: Offer some interesting, industry-related news in your follow up. This could be any kind of event such as a seminar, Twitter chat, a cool blog, or a discussion on LinkedIn.
  3. Have a Plan: Use a planned approach to your follow up. Keep it professional. You don’t want to annoy the interviewer or seem lazy about it. Find the medium ground. Follow up the first time after about three days. It’s time to give up and move on if you’ve followed up three different times and gotten no response.
  4. Be a Pro: Always be polite in your email and phone conversations no matter what the news is. They’ll remember you.
  5. Connect: Check out your LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter for friends who work or have worked at the company you were interviewed at. Ask your friend if they would endorse you by sending a message to your interviewer. This connection could help you get the job.
  6. Listen: You have had feedback during your interview. Was is warm and inviting or cold and off-putting? This feedback can help you determine whether you should follow up or just let it go. Don’t waste your time with someone who was cold, especially if they are the same way with your initial follow-up. Just move on at that point, and remember number four.
  7. Go up: If you feel you had a good interview and are the best person for the job go above the interviewer’s head. Get in touch with the person that would be your employer and explain your situation. Be polite and professional. Most will respect you for following up this way, and you’ll often get a yes or no response right away.
  8. Don’t Get Annoying: We don’t mean to be a pest, but it happens. Rejection is hard to take. Suddenly you’ll realize you’re sending your 16th follow up email. Uh-oh. Know when to let it go. Maintaining your professional reputation is far more important.
  9. Don’t Take it Personal: Many times, a no, or a lack of response is due to downsizing, a reduced salary, a shorter timeframe, or something else. Maybe the position was even eliminated. It happens, and it’s not personal at all.
  10. Deadlines: If you are moving or relocating, possibly receiving a promotion at your current job, or something similar you may impose a deadline to your interviewer. For example, “I must hear back from you by x date because I have to turn in my decision on a promotion”. However, do not impose a deadline if you don’t have a good reason.
  11. Send a Thank You: Everyone still loves receiving something in the mail, especially thank you notes. It’s good etiquette to send a thank you card to your interviewer the day after. Have a bunch of them ready in your home office so you can send one out right away.
  12. Keep Them Updated: If you have gotten a job offer from another company or your availability changes then let them know.


Not hearing back after an interview can be extremely frustrating, and trust me, you’re not alone.

It’s CRITICAL to keep calm during this time to maintain your good reputation and poise in your industry. Don’t lose sight and let one bad interview ruin that. Stay positive, polite and professional. Do what you can, as outlined above, and you’ll carve out your place and thrive.

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Most Common Interview Questions: You Won’t Believe The Last One

Most Common Interview Questions: You Won’t Believe The Last One


Stand Out


When it comes to interviews, questions, nervousness and everything that comes with it, the best advice I can give you, is to STAND OUT.

Don’t get stuck not knowing how to answer these most common interview questions. It happens all of the time. A hiring manager asks a candidate a common question and get the wide-eyed, blank stare they know all too well. The candidate looks away trying to think of an answer, even adding in some “ums” and “ahs”, and by the time they start speaking they’ve already lost the job. Don’t be that person!


SEE ALSO: Top 100 Interview Questions and the Best Ways to Approach Them


When job hunting you must know the most common interview questions so you can ace your interview and land the job. No hesitations. No wondering. Get to know the questions and what your answers would be.

Question #1: Tell me About Yourself

So, the first one’s not technically a question, but it is. The hiring manager wants to know what you want her to know about you. Still following? She wants to know what you are going to highlight about yourself. What she wants to hear about is how your experience, work history, education, and career goals relate to the current job opening.

Choose your best experiences that show why you are the perfect candidate for the job.


I studied at X University where I earned a bachelor’s degree in ABC. I completed an internship at Y Company where I (be specific about your accomplishments, and make sure they’re relevant). My studies and internship solidified my passion and excitement for this line of work.

Question #2: Where Will You be in 5 Years?

This question determines whether you’ve given a thought to your future. If you don’t have a career plan with goals, why are you even there? With this common interview question the hiring manager is seeing if you have any career goals and if they relate to the job opening.

If you haven’t already create a career plan with goals. Where do you want to be in 5 years? Your answer needs to include the company you’re interviewing at, because if your 5 year career plan doesn’t include that company, why are they going to invest their time, money and efforts into hiring you?

Avoid talking about your personal goals.

Question #3: What is Your Biggest Weakness?

This one gets a lot of people nervous, but when you figure out how to answer it you’ll be fine. The hiring manager just wants to know if you are aware of yourself, your weaknesses, and if you have improved on anything.

The best way to respond to this most common interview question is by referring to a career-related weakness that you have overcome. A lot of people are afraid of public speaking, but it’s a great skill to have when job hunting and during your career. Maybe a previous employer pointed this weakness out to you, so you decided to work on it.


In my previous job my employer noticed that I didn’t like giving presentations and was often extremely nervous, so I decided to sign up with Toastmasters where I learned how to not be afraid of speaking in public. Now I can give a presentation without worry.

Question #4: Why do You Want to Work Here?

Don’t let this one stump you. It sounds like a trick question, doesn’t it? Well, you’re at the interview for the job position so of course you are interested in it, but why? The hiring manager is asking this common interview question because she wants to know if you are interested in the job, and if you are a good fit for the position.

It’s time to talk about the company. That means you need to do a little research before your interview. Read up on the company, find out what they sell, what’s been said in the news about them, how and when they were founded, and more. Find out all you can. Use some of the information you gather to show that you are a great fit, and that the job opening fits your career goals. Talk about how you would benefit from the job and how the company would benefit from having you as an employee.

Question #5: How Many Couches Are There in America?

What the what? I know. It’s a weird one, but it is always good to be prepared for a question you don’t know the answer to. Candidates for Google were asked this very question when interviewed.

The hiring manager wants to see how you handle pressure and if you can think on your feet. Avoid getting too thrown off. Think about it. Where do you find couches? In homes, furniture stores, hotels…Talk about where the couches would be found and go from there. You don’t have to give the right answer. You just have to show you can keep cool under pressure and you can think quickly.

Study these most common interview questions so you’ll be ready for your next job interview.

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8 Interview Mistakes That Will Cost You Your Job (You Never Knew About Number 8!)

Do you feel like you make mistakes during your interviews?

Odds are, you do.

You put in your application with your resume and now you earned the call back for an interview at the company you want to work at. You most likely know the basics of how to ace your job interview to get the job, but what if you make one or more of these mistakes that will cost you the job?


Interview Mistakes



Would you even know that what you’re doing is getting the hiring manager to get ready to delete you from the list of potential candidates?

How long have you been making these interview mistakes? Well, let’s look it over and help you correct these mistakes.

  1. Over Sharing About Your Job Loss

    Whoa, slow down there. If you need to explain why you lost your previous job in more than one sentence you are over sharing. When you over share it sounds like you’re lying. Get it down to one concise and simply sentence. For example, “My job at XY Company no longer fit my career goals so it was time to move on”. Keep it simple, honest and positive.

SEE ALSO: Most Common Interview Questions: You Won’t Believe The Last One

  1. Not Relaxing and Being Yourself

    No one wants to hire a robot to work for them, well, not if they’re looking for a human employee. Yes, a job interview is a serious meeting between a hiring manager or recruiter and a potential employee-you. However, that doesn’t mean you have to be mechanical in your responses. Have a conversation with the person. Throw in a little humor. Be open and warm. Show your personality. Not doing this will make you seem cold and distant. Being yourself and relaxing will show the hiring manager you’re a real person, and they will remember you for that.

  2. Seeming Bored

    Sometimes hiring managers are sitting back wondering, is this person genuinely interested in this job opportunity or not? You’re there for the interview, isn’t that enough? No! Show some enthusiasm and interest in the job. Just being there isn’t enough. You have to show through your appearance (dressed well, open gestures, smiling, making eye contact) and your conversation (tone of your voice, questions about the job, what you’re saying) that you are excited about the opportunity of working for them.

  3. Not Knowing Anything About the Company

    If you don’t know anything about the company you’re interviewing for what does that say to the hiring manager? It says you don’t care. Show that you do care by researching the company before you apply and before your interview. Learn everything you can about them. It’s disrespectful not to.

  4. Concentrating on Yourself and What You Want too Much

    This is definitely not the time to be selfish. Some candidates will ask how much they can make, what hours/days they would work, when they would have to come in, and on and on. What about the company? You have to put most of the focus on them and what you can do for the company you’re interviewing for. Ask a few questions for yourself, but keep it to a minimum. Your answers are probably in the job description.

  5. Not Setting Yourself Apart from Your Competition

    If you don’t set yourself apart you look like every other candidate that is going in for an interview. So, how do you go above and beyond? Be prepared. Know the company. Ask a few questions. Relax and be yourself. Show proof of how you’ve helped your previous employers (sales increase, saving the company money, etc.). skills, experience, education will set you apart from the others?

  6. Trying to be Everything

    You can’t do everything and be everything. Hiring managers want specialists, not generalists. They want to hire someone that’s mastered their trade, not someone who is okay at a lot of things. Show your specialties in your resume and during your job interview. What are your specialties that your competitors may not have?

  7. Not Asking for the Job!

    That’s right, you have to ask! This goes with showing interest and enthusiasm. Hiring managers want to hear that you are still interested in the job when the interview is over. You could say, for example, “I think we’d work well together and I could do a lot for this company. Do you need anything else from me? What is the next step?” Ask for the job in the interview or someone else will.

Don’t Forget the Basics Either. Here are some to Keep in Mind:

  • Smile
  • Make eye contact
  • Dress up and dress well
  • Have good posture
  • Don’t cross your arms
  • Avoid fidgeting a lot
  • Speak clearly and confidently
  • Avoid touching your hair and/or face
  • Have a strong handshake

Most importantly, relax and be yourself. Show off your strengths, skills, experience and educations as it pertains to the job opportunity. Don’t be afraid to show some excitement, and finally, ask for the job!

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Advanced Instructions for Improving Your Resume

Advanced Instructions for Improving Your Resume

Once you have created your first resume you may find that you need to update it from time to time. This is especially true if you are applying for a promotion at your current employment or if you are submitting an application elsewhere. You will want to ensure you update your resume with each position you have, for example, if you are leaving your current job then you will want to make sure that you have that job listed on your resume. Doing so will help you have a better chance of standing out against your competition when applying for a new job position. Here we wanted to shed some light on some advanced tips for improving your resume.

Improving your Resume with your Format

  • The first thing you will want to look at on your resume is your format. Take a moment to research other resumes and templates online for the position that you are applying for such as a receptionist. Take note of these templates and what makes one stand out from the others. Once you have found a resume template that is appealing, you will be able to format your resume the same way.
  • Think about the font that you used in your resume. Is it easy to read and professional looking? You do not have to make your resume font look boring, but you do want it to remain professional looking. You want your font to match throughout your resume, as well.

Improving your Resume with Phrasing and Keywords

How you choose to word your resume can make a big difference to your potential employer. You should not overlook this when you are creating or updating your resume. You can use sentences as well as lists in order to highlight your skill sets. The way you phrase things will need to help hold the attention of the reader.

  • When writing your experience and skills you do not want to be generic. You will want to give details. For example, if you were to say “ordering supplies” this is very vague. Instead, give additional details, “I oversee the inventory and purchasing for a staff of 30+ people”. This will give your potential employer a better understanding of what your actual tasks were at your previous place of employment.
  • Avoid using generic phrases and making statements such as “I’m a motivated sales person.” Why are you a motivated sales person? Give specific reasons instead of making a general statement. It will show action that is one thing that employers are looking for.
  • Each industry has their own language when it comes to the job tasks and duties. Make sure that you are using proper phrases and language in your resume. This will demonstrate that you are well versed within that industry. In turn, this will help you stand out from your competition.

If you are submitting a resume online, you will want to make sure to utilize keywords that will help you stand out from the crowd. However, make sure, these keywords you choose to use stand out.

READ ALSO: How to Tailor a Resume to Fit the Job

Upgrade your Resume with Experience

Ensure that any new experience you have out in the field you are working has been added to your resume. Just make sure that this information you are adding is useful to the field you are applying for.

  • You will want to start your resume with your most recent job title and your experience with this job. Be sure that you list any special training or development you completed. This can be things such as certifications, college classes, continuing education classes and any professional conferences.
  • Any training that you have received such as marketing sales pitches, conference training, web seminars, specific product training, staff training and other types of training should be listed, as well. Any time you have completed public speaking should be mentioned, as well.

If you have had any type of work published during your career like research, white papers, magazine articles, policy manuals, chapter books or a variety of other things then be sure to list them in your resume as well.

List any products that you have created or developed. Examples of this would include a software program or workflow procedure that were a benefit to the field you are applying to work. Check that any supervisory experience has been listed. Make sure that you add how many employees you were responsible for overseeing.

Targeting an Audience

Any time that you are applying for employment, you will need to adjust your resume to fit the company and position you are applying for. Doing so will make submitting your resume more effective versus just using a generic resume for each position you apply for on job boards. Keep updated versions of your resume to use for specific fields and positions.

  • When applying for a job, you will need to read the job description to make sure that you have answered all the job requirements for that position. In order to show that you are the one they want to hire for the position and to show that you are the most qualified, read the job description.
  • While it is true that cover letters are very important, your resume should be able to stand out on its own without having to use a cover letter. Anything you have chosen to highlight in your cover letter needs to be in your resume. In the event that your cover letter was not given to the person who will be interviewing you, you can recap those highlights from the resume.
  • Saving all variations will allow you to have a recent version saved for the different positions you are qualified. This is more effective versus just having an overall generic resume.

Once you are all finished with this step, you are ready to start filling out job applications for the top companies in the US.

Cover Letter

The last way that you can improve your resume that you will be sending to potential employers is a cover letter. A cover letter can be just as important as a resume especially if an employer decides to screen applicants based off of cover letters.

  • You do not want your cover letter to sound generic. When you are putting your cover letter together, remember to use care as this is your way of selling yourself to your potential employers.
  • In your cover letter, you will want to start with a greeting and use a business letter format. Make sure to include your contact information. Should you happen to know the name of the interviewer or the person that oversees the hiring than address your cover letter to this person, doing so can help show that you have done your research about the company.
  • Through your resume, you will need to shift your focus on showing the employer why you would be the perfect fit for their company and the position you are applying for and portray your confidence.

After completing your cover letter, you’re all set to impress employers with your newly revamped cover letter. This concludes a few of our advanced instructions for improving your resume.

Should you have any more questions regarding resumes, feel free to contact us at Gerald (at) EJobApplications (dot) com.

Advanced Job Interview Tips

Advanced Job Interview Tips

In order to achieve getting an interview and having success with your resume you will need to put a lot of thought, planning and preparation into the process. It is very important that when you go for an interview, you are ready to exhibit your skills and talents in regards to where the business or company is concerned. Carefully planning your resume and how you will interview, will help you to go into your interview with confidence, that will help you to show why you are the perfect candidate. In this article, we discuss some valuable job interview tips you can use on the big day.

Tips From the Job Application to the Job Interview

When you complete a job application, the purpose is to demonstrate to potential employers why you would be the best fit, and to help you secure an interview. Keeping your resume short is a crucial aspect. Having a long resume keeps a hiring manager from being able to read over it quickly and hit the key points.
Your resume is how you will be able to introduce yourself, give an idea of your expertise and skills and give documentation of your previous employment.

Make sure that your resume and job application is up to date. The resume needs to have all necessary additions made, and all contact information current, as well. All data on your resume should be checked for all up to date information in terms of new positions and experiences. Any details you are adding should be related to the position you are applying for. Ensure that the email address you are using as contact information is professional, and not a lewd email address as this can be a turn off to potential employers.

READ ALSO: How to Tailor a Resume to Fit the Job

Having a well written resume can open the door for a job position you are seeking. It is imperative that your resume showcases your personal strengths and that you are using correct grammar and punctuation. You can also consider having someone else read over your resume and application; another set of eyes to check for any information you may need to correct.

Another aspect of important job interview tips is having a second opinion. This can also help you to gain new perspective on the weakness of your resume so that you can update or make corrections as necessary.

You will need to make sure that the information that you have included in your job application matches that of the job description. Utilize the keywords that can be found in the work advertisement and keywords that are specific to the market in which you are applying. Doing so will help you to show your hiring manager or interviewer that you have knowledge in the field you are applying for. When you go into your interview, you will also want to make sure that you utilize these keywords, as well. This helps you to show the interviewer or hiring manager that you may be the perfect fit without having to read through your resume.

How you word your resume is also very crucial and you will need to use action verbs when describing your accomplishments. Use words such as ‘developed’, ‘executed’ and ‘carried out’. You will however want to avoid using any business jargon. Also, consider using bullet points that can be tied in with keyword phrases.

Bring the focus to your personal success and your success versus the position you are applying for. Employers want to have an idea of how you can help them reach their business targets. Make sure that you are also using economic statistics. For example, use a phrase such as “enhanced revenue by $3,000 per year”, doing so can help you to stand out from the other applicants applying for the same position.

Finding Your Way with Job Interview Tips

After your interview has been scheduled, you will need to focus on making it a successful interview. You will want to research the organization and also the marketplace in order to show that you have experience in the company’s line of business.

Practicing your interview answers will help you to address interview concerns. You will want to answer with good examples that help shows that you are the right fit for the company. Also, take into consideration your strengths and weaknesses when it comes to any possible concerns your interviewer may have. Make sure you are also prepared to answer any tough questions your interviewer may have.

You will want to make sure you are making a strong first impression when you go in for your interview. Make sure you are dressed appropriately, that you arrive on time and that you have additional copies of your resume. Try not to arrive any earlier than fifteen minutes to your interview.

Ensure that you are keeping good posture and your hand gestures are minimal. It’s a good practice that you also ask your interviewer questions and listen to each question in its entirety before you start to answer.

Questions to Ask During the Interview

Anytime you ask your interviewer a question that is well thought out, you will show that you are well versed in your line of work and that you have diagnostic knowledge. Doing so will serve you well in standing out from the other applicants that are interviewing for the same position.

  • While going through any preliminary interviews, you will not want to ask any questions about the amount of pay you will receive, or the benefits offered to employees. You will only want to express your interest in the job that you are applying for. If you come back for a second interview, then that will be the time to ask about compensation and benefits.
  • Your questions should serve as a way for you to make sure that you are a good match for the employer. You would want to ask a question about the corporations culture, the responsibilities of the position you are applying for, and whether the position is a new one. Finding out why the previous person was not a good fit can also be an insightful question. Ultimately, gather an idea of the organizational design and what the interviewer likes about working with the company.
  • Asking questions will also help you to reduce any concerns that the potential employer may have about hiring you. You can also ask them if they are confident in your skill set matching what they are looking for. This also gives you another chance to show why you would be a good fit in their company.
Post Interview Tips

At the end of your interview, you will want to shake hands with the interviewer and thank them for their time. Recognition of proper business etiquette will serve as the one last opportunity to highlight your strengths. If you wish to follow up, a handwritten note will stand out better than sending an email. However, it is best to wait for up to two weeks before reaching out to the interviewer in regards to your application.

5 Ways To Impress Your Boss Once You Land The Job

5 Ways To Impress Your Boss Once You Land The Job

You created a perfect resume. You made the right connections to get an interview. You aced the interview and beat out hundreds of other qualified applicants for the job you wanted. The hard part is over now, right?


The truth of the matter is once you have been hired, the task of proving your value to your employer becomes your main priority. Up to this point, your entire value to the company has been based on the theory. You went to this school, had this experience or did something for some other company that showed you had value as an employee. In other words, all those things you said you could do in the interview leave the realm of theory and now it is time to put your money where your mouth is, literally. After all, if you aren’t prepared to start proving your worth to the company, then you had better be prepared to start looking for a new job soon.

So, how do you impress your boss to solidify that they made the right decision in hiring you? Give these five suggestions a try and make a great impression on impressing your boss.

Expert Analysis of 5 Ways on How to Impress Your Boss

1. Do Your Homework

The easiest concept to grasp to impress your boss is to do your homework! One of the reasons many people find themselves in a dead end job is their own personal failure to commit. They don’t bring anything useful to the game, thus leaving themselves sitting among the throngs of anonymous employees who do their jobs, but nothing that gains them recognition.

During your research of the company prior to your interview, you should have discovered specific areas the company needed some improvement. Make it your goal to find solutions for those issues and present these ideas to your new boss. Maybe your past experience has given you the opportunity to deal with this issue in the past? Perhaps you can find a new solution to something that has been giving the boss problems for years? This might be adding some extra work to your load, but it is also adding a lot of value to you as an employee.

READ ALSO: Advanced Instructions for Improving Your Resume

2. Be A Lion

There’s this picture that circulates the internet every year with a small kitten. The small kitten is looking into a mirror and seeing the reflection of a very intimidating lion staring back. As a valuable new employee, you need to have that attitude to be successful.

Instead of cowering like a timid kitten, take the initiative and bravely share your ideas like that impressive lion from the picture. After all, no matter how many good ideas you may have, they are useless if you aren’t brave enough to share them. Your fresh eyes on the situation may have given you the vision to see a resolution. A resolution that no one in the company had caught before because they were too close to the situation. The new idea may be the key to your successful rise through the ranks. That said, keep the next point in mind when presenting your solutions to the companies problems.

Impress your boss by being a lion and taking that extra initiative.

3. Be Willing To Adapt

Very few of us actively seek out jobs with failing companies. We pursue success and, because of that, your new job is likely with a very successful company. With that in mind, a new employee has to be willing to adapt to the way their employers want things done. The solutions you come up with to problem areas we mentioned in the previous section might be shot down. That’s okay. At least you demonstrated that you had the companies best interest at heart.
In addition, you may find yourself in need of additional training or even relearning techniques you already knew because your new company has a different way of doing things. By demonstrating that you are willing to make these necessary changes to serve your employer’s purposes, then you go a long way towards impressing the new boss.

4. Jump At Opportunities

As the saying goes, opportunity knocks but it is up to the individual to open the door. Is there a new project that needs volunteers for leadership? Does your problem-solving abilities create a new job in the company that you feel you would be better suited to? Is there some other opportunity to get noticed by management?
By stepping forward to become the employee your boss needs, you also became the employee he values. Be the first to volunteer for that project that no one wants and then show your boss exactly what you are capable. By doing so, you show the boss that you are committed to the success of the company and that you are willing to do whatever is necessary to create that success.

5. Admit To Your Mistakes

A final value-building tip that many people omit is being willing to admit to their own mistakes. Admittedly, this does sound counter-intuitive but it works for some very important reasons.

First, it demonstrates your personal integrity and honesty when you can say, “Yes, I made a mistake. This is how I plan to fix it.” Secondly, it gives you the opportunity to keep looking for solutions that will improve the situation. When you took on that project that no one wanted because it was doomed to fail, the boss likely knew it was a losing plan to begin. Admit to why it didn’t work without placing blame and then find a solution that will work.

Don’t take the blame for someone else’s mistakes but don’t be afraid to admit your own either. If you can work through problems in a diplomatic way by using the resources at hand and practicing personal accountability (rather than shifting blame to others), you show your new employer that you are a problem solver who believes in teamwork and placing a personal stake in the success of the company.

Now you have the techniques. What are you going to do with them?Are you ready to launch your new career along an upward trajectory? Impressing the new boss is not easy. It is a lot of work and will require your diligent attention but the results are well worth it. By proving your value, you make yourself eligible for upward movement through the corporate ranks.

What are your thoughts or experiences? Does one or more of these techniques resonate with you personally? What do you feel makes you more valuable to your employer?

How to Tailor a Resume to Fit the Job

How to Tailor a Resume to Fit the Job

After you have created a basic template for your resume to use for a job search, you may ask yourself whether you will need to make any necessary adjustments or not in order to tailor it to a specific job you are looking.

This is true for when you are applying for employment opportunities online, as well. The majority of employers, today, will require you to upload your resume or bring a copy of it with you on the interview. You may or may not need to make these adjustments depending on the job you are applying. In addition, you may need to evaluate further on how “put together” your resume is.

Custom Tailoring each Resume with each Application

The decision on whether or not to update your resume will depend upon if your resume touches upon key points, your personal information, and your career objective to any recent awards or references. This is especially true if you have not updated your resume in a while and have changed jobs since the last time you completed it. You will need to make updates to your resume if you plan on attending college while you are working. Many employers can appreciate those who show ambition and if it can be used as an advantage to their company.

  • The Objective Section: This portion of the resume is the most crucial part that you will need to change. Review this section in order to ensure that you are being honest, ambitious and that you are writing it to follow what an interviewer is looking for when they are reviewing resumes. You do not want to lie or deceive on your resume but at the same time you don’t have to over share details either. For example, don’t talk of plans to become a CEO but rather talk about how you are ready to be a hard worker and work your way up the ladder.
  • Design: If you have a specialized resume for a particular job such as a copywriter then the design of your resume is of the upmost importance. In a copywriter resume, you have a resume that will contain a lot of information, as opposed to applying for a graphic designer position. It is true that your resume should be concise, but you will also want your resume to stand out and be visually appealing. Review the template and make a decision as to whether it is appropriate towards the job you are applying.
  • Specialized Content: Typically interviewers are only looking at the first few pages of resumes they receive. Therefore, you will want to ensure that all the information that is of utmost importance is on the first few pages. However, this also means that you could be cutting out a big chunk of your resume. This will provide you with the chance to add information that is tailored to fit the job you are applying. For example, IT Professionals will use programming language when they complete their application and resume if they are going to work at a bank as a coder while leaving out any information of hardware or telecommunications. A registered nurse will add his or her training in CPR; what they know of the medication and if they are applying for work in a nursing home. They would omit experience working with children’s cancer treatment as it is not relevant to the work they are applying. You will need to tailor your resume so that you are highlighting your skill sets. These will need to be specific to the job that you are applying. Having an abundance of data on different jobs is beneficial to employers but they also want to ensure that you are qualified to handle the job responsibilities. Remember, you are using your resume to help sell yourself to your potential employer.

Deeper insight on Prioritized Content

  • Prioritized Content: You may also find that you need to make cuts and give tweaks to your resume in order to provide it to your target audience. If you have ten qualifications for the job, for example, then you won’t need to list all ten of them on your resume. Differentiate the most important ones and accent them while leaving the rest for a later time. The shorter and more put together that your resume is, the higher the chance of being chosen for an interview.
  • Cover Letters: If you are applying for an employment opportunity that requires a cover letter, then you will want to avoid using a stock cover letter. If you use a stock letter then you are leaving a considerable amount of room for errors. In the rare occasion, you may have left a phrase you intended for a different employer. It can also help you in preparing for an interview if you are writing a tailored cover letter. This will help show the interviewer that you care about the employer, and it will also help you be more comfortable with working for their business. If you are more comfortable than the higher the chance, you will have of a smoother interview.
  • Proof Read: Once you have completed tailoring your resume it is time to save it, print it out and read through it using a pen or marker to make any corrections. These corrections include the content, your grammar and the style you are using in your template. Look over your contact information to make sure that you haven’t left any numbers or letters out. If you tailored your resume for a specific employer then you clearly gave yourself a chance to catch any errors. This is why it is important to read through the resume so that you can catch and correct errors prior to your interview. If you have a mistake-free and tailored resume then you’ll have a greater chance for landing a job, you desire.

Some key points to include is the prominent usage of power words in your resume. Be sure to read through the job posting carefully, and check for a specific language that is being used. Being able to use the right language will prove to be useful when submitting your resume and job application. Keep in mind that if you are applying for something industry specific such as department store work, then you want to use language that is used in that industry, especially if you are applying at Target. However, if applying for a place such as Sears Auto Centers, then you will want to use the industry-specific language.

READ ALSO: Advanced Job Interview Tips

After reviewing these tips, you should now be able to tailor your resume accordingly for the available position you are applying for no matter how big, or how small the company or the job you are applying. Following these tips and strategies will curate a more attractable resume.

Using this insight will also help you stand apart from the crowd of others applying for the same job.

Basic Interview Questions and Answers

Basic Interview Questions and Answers

Anytime you have a job interview it is important to prepare yourself regardless if you are applying for a part time job or a full time career. Never assume that you are going to do well at an interview without first preparing yourself. During an interview, there are common questions that you will be asked. If you haven’t taken the time to prepare for them, you will come off as less confident.

Strong Interview Answers

Whenever you are applying for employment with a company, you should research the company. This includes facts about how the company was started and the history of the business. Being able to share company knowledge will help you show the employer that you truly care about the employer. Caring for the company you are applying for employment with and by showing respect for the job by educating yourself, you’ll be better positioning yourself in the hiring process.

Check over your resume and application that you completed prior to your interview in order to refresh your memory on past employment. Your interviewer will have a copy of your resume with them during your interview in order to ask you questions about past employment. Within your resume, be sure that you have included your dates of employment and the last salary you earned.

Upon arriving for your interview, you need to be dressed appropriately and arrive at your interview 30 minutes early. You may even consider arriving five to ten minutes early to your interview. Shake the hand of your interviewer and refer to them by name and make sure to thank them for their time. Show enthusiasm and be positive during your interview.

You will also want to review questions that your interviewer may choose to ask you. Preparing yourself ahead of time will serve you well.

Common Interview Questions About Your Past Jobs and Experiences

1. What were your responsibilities in your past job?

It is imperative that you are honest when you answer this question, and all questions. Your interviewer not only has your resume, but they also have a way of contacting your previous employer to ask about you. Be descriptive when going over your specific tasks that you were responsible for. This way you can show your interviewer that you are well qualified.

2. What was your best accomplishment/worst failure in your past job?

When being asked this question it is due to your interviewer trying to determine what you perceive as a success and a failure and they want to know what you accomplished in your previous employment. Take the time to think about how you will answer this question and be sure that you can answer in a way that can be tied into the position you are interviewing for. If you don’t feel you failed at anything in your previous employment it is perfectly okay to state as such. However, you may want to consider using this as an opportunity to turn a minor occurrence into something positive.

3. What did you like and dislike about your past job?

You will want to focus on you rather than anything specific you did not like or did like at your previous job. You do not want to come off in a negative way or make negative statements about your previous company. You want to avoid your interviewer from thinking you would do the same about their company. However, you can discuss how you got along with coworkers and how you did with specific tasks that were enjoyable. A good way to answer what you disliked about your previous job would be to say you felt you weren’t being challenged enough.

READ ALSO: 5 Ways to Impress your Boss Once you Land the Job

4. Have you ever had problems working with a manager?

You also want to exercise caution when you answer this question. You do not want to come off as complaining about a manager or make it seem as though you are difficult to manage. You never know you may be interviewing with the person who would be your manager. It is best to look for a situation where you can turn it into a positive. Such as being able to work through a problem with a manager and you were successfully able to resolve the issue.

5. Why are you leaving/did you leave your present job?

This is another situation where you will want to be honest in your answer. If you were let go from your previous job then you will want to describe why it was a positive change and what you have learned from the experience. If you chose to leave then you will want to explain why you chose to do so and try to remain positive. You will also want to explain why it was beneficial for you to leave your previous company and try to relate back to why you are applying for the current position and how you will receive better benefits and be an asset to this new company.

Common Interview Questions about the Job and Company You Are Applying For

1. Why do you want this job?

You will need to explain to your interviewer why this job was made for you and be descriptive in your explanation as to why your qualifications and background make you the ideal candidate. Be upbeat when explaining the benefits you have to offer the company you are applying at.

2. What do you know about the company?

This is a very important question that the interviewer is asking you. They are looking to see how much time you have put into researching their company and what you already know about the company. Before your interview you should have set aside some time to research the company and be able to provide facts about the company and your knowledge of it. This will allow you to make a good first impression.

3. What do you consider to be good customer service?

There are essentially two parts when it comes to answering this question. First you will want to describe what your idea of customer service is and how that ties in with the company you are applying for and then you will want to explain how you would go about providing that customer service.

4. What experiences do you have that qualifies you for this position?

It is important that you are specific when answering this question. You will want to take this opportunity to go over your previous job responsibilities and why they will be able to help you complete your new job tasks.

5. How long will you expect to work here, if hired?

The majority of companies are looking to hire employees that will work with the company for a long time. If you answer that you plan on being there for a short time then you will not impress your interviewer even though you are answering them honestly unless you are applying for a temporary position. If you feel this is a position you will be with for a long time then explain to your interviewer why you feel you will be there for a long period of time.

Common Interview Questions about the Future

1. What are you looking for in your next job?

The interviewer is asking you this question in order to determine if your goals will be a match for the open position they are trying to fill. It is crucial that you have understanding of the position you have applied for and make sure that the response provide coincides with the tasks you would be completing if you are hired.

2. Where do you see yourself in the next five or ten years?

This is one of the most common questions you will be asked during an interview. It is best to tie this in with the job you are applying for and not any personal goals.

3. What are your career goals?

When you are asked this question it is because your potential employer is trying to determine whether you have specific goals in mind to work on or if you are just looking to jump on any new opportunities that come your way. The best way to go about answering this question is to describe your career path and how you chose to make the decision you made. You want to show that you are able to stay focused to achieve your goals you have set for yourself.

4. Tips for Concluding the Interview

Once your interviewer has asked you everything they need to, they will ask if you have questions for them. It will be beneficial to have a few questions you have already thought of to ask them. Be sure these are not obvious answers that could have been answered already by researching the company. The questions you choose to ask should reflect the position you are applying for and what the interviewer likes about the company.

After a first interview you will want to avoid asking questions about drug testing, background checks and if they are going to be contacting your previous employers. These types of questions make it seem as though you may be hiding something. If they choose to do drug testing or background checks then the interviewer will make you aware of this without you having to ask.

Also avoid asking questions in regards to benefits and salary compensation. These details will also be shared with you by the interviewer. Asking about this might make it appear that you are only interested in the benefits you would be receiving. You can find more advanced tips when going on an interview here.

Make sure you make it clear that you are interested in the position, shake your interviewers hand and let them know you look forward to speaking with them again soon. If you do not hear back from the company within several days or weeks from your interview then follow up with them in order to show you are still interested and this also gives them time to do whatever other interviews they had scheduled.


Degree Information

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Once you have chosen one, you will be taken to a page that contains a handful of useful and important articles related to the particular area of study.

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Service Industry Jobs Application

A business enterprise can, speaking in broad terms, offer to its customers and clients either a product or a service, or a combination of the two. Service industry jobs would therefore mean working for any organization within an industry that provides services to its target market instead of tangible products.

A service can be described as any undertaking that seeks to facilitate the customer or the client. It could be offered by an individual, a small business, or a multinational organization. Examples of most commonly available and popular services include banking, airlines, hotels, accounts, law, and medicine. There is an incredible variety of jobs available across a range of service industries, and each industry creates new jobs within itself every day.

Different Types of Service Industry Jobs

Service industry jobs can range from part time jobs to help pay the tuition to full time, corporate jobs and from entry level jobs at minimum wages to six figure salaries as specialist surgeons and lawyers. These jobs are for highly qualified, extremely talented candidates, as well as for people who have not had the opportunity to gain a lot of education or experience. If you are more inclined towards a career in the service industry, take a look at a few service industry jobs listed below:

  • Airlines: In an increasingly globalized world, with a growing number of multinational corporations, the airlines are in high demand. This leads to the creation of plenty of jobs, including pilots, stewards, flight crew, and airport staff.
  • Accounts: As long as people earn and spend money, they will find it necessary to maintain accounts. This allows you to work as a personal accountant, or as part of an accounting team within an organization.
  • Banking: Banks offer plenty of service industry jobs, and they offer very decent wages and salaries too as their services generate incessantly high demand. Jobs in banks range from consumer loan executives to commercial loan managers and branch managers.
  • Beauty: Women always need services for personal grooming, and even men are increasingly appearance conscious these days. This leads to rewarding opportunities in the beauty industry, creating jobs for hairdressers, cosmologists, masseurs, and makeup artists.
  • Child Care: The days of a single bread winner in the household are long gone. Where both parents find it necessary to work, day care and babysitting jobs open up aplenty and they usually pay well.
  • Computers: Every household today has a computer or three, yet most of us are not entirely tech savvy. Thus, installation, troubleshooting, maintenance, and repair services are in constant demand and provide for a sufficiently lucrative career.
  • Cleaning: Now, if you could pay someone to take care of all your cleaning chores for you, would you not be absolutely thrilled? Well, there are people who pay maids, housekeepers, janitors, and gardeners to keep their houses and offices in order.
  • Delivery: Plenty of service industry jobs are available in courier companies such as Fedex and DHL, including truck drivers, sales associates, couriers, and package handlers.
  • Education: Most people fail to realize this, but teaching is also a service, a rather noble one too. And if you cannot teach, there are plenty of other worthy and rewarding jobs available within the education services industry.
  • Food: People will eat, and not always at home. They choose to hire cooks and caterers for parties and events, and head out to restaurants every once in a while. As such, there are always job opportunities for cooks, caterers, waiters, and kitchen staff.
  • Hospitality: The hospitality industry is vast indeed, and it is global too. There is a multitude of service industry jobs within it, and more are created every day. These include jobs at hotels, motels, and tourist resorts, ranging from bellboys and waiters to receptionists and managers.
  • Law: It takes a lot of study, persistence and hard work to become a lawyer, yet the rewards are highly lucrative and manifold. Once your credibility as a lawyer is established, you can set your own hourly rates.
  • Medicine: Another noble profession, and potentially an extremely rewarding one too. A lot of people do not see it this way, but doctors work at service industry jobs too. They are, after all, providing an essential service to the community. Further jobs in the medicine industry include nurses and other hospital staff.
  • Relocation: People choose to move houses as they climb up and down the social ladder, looking for the perfect place to live. Businesses too, often relocate to adjust to changing circumstances and fortunes. All this movement creates a ton of jobs in the relocation industry.
  • Travel and Tourism: There is a plethora of service industry jobs in the travel and tourism industry, ranging from travel agents to rent-a-car drivers and from tour guides to language interpreters.
  • These are only a few possibilities and opportunities that are available in a selected range of service industries. Before you opt for one, take a moment’s pause and consider where your best talents lie, which industry are you most interested in, and which path leads you towards a satisfactory and rewarding career. Take into consideration the benefits of working in the service industry, and then pick a job that you know you will enjoy.

    The Benefits of Working in the Service Industry

    Service industry jobs offer a host of benefits, not the least of which is the fact that you will constantly be helping people by facilitating their lives in one way or the other. Furthermore, service industry jobs tend to offer a lot of growth potential as they rarely require any technical expertise or knowledge. These jobs provide ease of entry and can often lead to glittering, life long careers.

    You can get a job in the service industry as a student working part time to get through college, as a fresh graduate who has little or no prior work experience, or you can choose to switch careers at any time of your choosing if it strikes your fancy.

    Looking for resume advice? How to Tailor a Resume to Fit the Job

    Searching for interview insight? 4 Steps to a Better Job Interview

    You can find even further insight and in-depth strategies for helping you stand out in the workforce by visiting our Career and Resources portal.

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    Retail Industry Jobs Application

    Retail is a monstrously big industry and covers a ton of products worldwide that anyone out there could possibly want to sell to another human being. These products could be anything from computers, food, cars, clothes, outdoor merchandise, office supplies, and more.

    Starting a career in the retail industry would be a great idea for practically anyone, because working a retail industry job could provide you with a ton of skills that can carry over to other areas in the industry. For instance, if you have a retail job as a person that sells computers, you can easily switch over to selling other items in a different niche, such as camping gear. Therefore, you’re not restricted to one area.

    Working a retail job will give you a varying skill set. Therefore, if you ever come across a product that you don’t like to sell, you can easily switch over to selling other types of products without a hiccup. Your skills will easily be transferred to the new position, that way you don’t squander away all those years of hard work that you’ve put in to acquire your massive skill set and experiences.

    Retail Job Types

    Most items out there that make their way into the hands of the public are items that have been sold through a store. Therefore, stores have a lot of positions to fill in order to make sure that their business flourishes and that the demand of the customer is being met.

    Some of these job types include that of a salesperson, cashier, stocker and customer service representatives. A salesperson will be responsible for assisting customers with their purchasing needs.

    A cashier is responsible for the transaction phase of the shopping process. A stocker is someone that makes sure that items stay on the shelves, so customers will always find exactly what they need. A customer service representative will assist customers with any questions or problems that they may have. Usually, a customer service representative will aid customers by taking their returned items.

    The biggest thing about being in a retail job position is that you want to make sure you aid the store in increasing sales, that way the store is turning a larger profit and performing better. Certain retail industry jobs will even offer some sort of bonus or commission to sales people, so that way you have more incentive when it comes to selling merchandise inside the store.

    This will also keep team morale up, so no one becomes discouraged. It’s a great feeling when you receive a commission check in the mail. If you have previous experience in retail industry jobs, you may be able to land yourself a position as a store manager or store assistant manager.

    As you can see, there are a ton of retail industry job positions available. Therefore, you shouldn’t hesitate to fill out multiple retail industry job applications to increase your odds of getting a job right away. It can definitely be a very rewarding career.

    Skills You Need for Retail Industry Jobs

    There is not an exact skill set that you are going to need when it comes to working a retail industry job. It’s going to depend on the place you’re working at and on the position that you’re working in. However, you will typically be working with a lot of different people on a daily basis, and usually these people are customers.

    Therefore, you should definitely possess some people skills. The customer always comes first, so you have to make sure that you are friendly to them, have a helpful attitude and always assist people with a smile on your face. That way, you come off as a warm and friendly person.

    If you land a retail industry job working in a warehouse, you probably won’t have to worry about people skills as much as someone that works in sales. However, a warehouse job can be somewhat physically demanding, so you need to make sure that you’re able to be on your feet for lengthy hours.

    The same thing applies to sales people, as well. Basically, if you’re an optimistic person, you’re full of energy and you’re an outgoing individual, you may find that a retail job is the perfect job for you. If you meet these requirements, you should certainly consider filling out some Retail Industry Job Applications.

    Benefits of Working Retail Industry Jobs

    Working a retail industry job is a great way for you to advance your skill set and you will be able to use these skills in other areas of your life, as well. For instance, the skills you acquire while selling clothes to people could come in handy later in life if you decide to become a car salesman. It may sound crazy, but it’s definitely true. Sales are the same, no matter whether you’re selling a loaf of bread or you’re trying to sell a jet airplane. So, you’ll acquire some excellent skills you can use to advance your salary.

    Working retail jobs enable you to work in areas that you actually enjoy. For instance, if you’re a bicycle enthusiast, you could find a job at a bicycle shop. If you love music, you could work in a store that sells musical instruments and CDs. If you’re into electronics, you could work in a store that sells televisions, computers, and cell phones.

    The possibilities are basically limitless. If you truly enjoy something, you will be more likely to be able to sell it, because people will notice that you’re enthusiastic about the products you’re selling. Therefore, you’re a better employee when you believe in what you do and it will benefit you mentally and financially.

    Working in retail industry jobs gives you a ton of opportunities for career advancement, which is why these types of jobs are so popular. For instance, you could come into a company without any skillset and work your way up from the bottom. Essentially, you can create a very lucrative career for yourself. However, you do have to be dedicated and you do have to pay attention during training.

    If all of this sounds good to you and you would like a retail industry job, you shouldn’t hesitate to fill out multiple retail industry job applications.

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    Restaurant Jobs Application

    When it comes to talking about restaurant jobs, there are a few things that this term could be referring to. Working in a restaurant doesn’t always mean that you’ll be flipping burgers or mopping floors. You could be doing payroll, training new employees, or running your very own restaurant. Of course, that only applies if that is the job that you apply for. You see, so many people sell themselves short when it comes to applying for restaurant jobs and those that don’t tend to avoid applying for jobs like this which isn’t a good move at all.

    Restaurant jobs have some of the most room for growth and can offer extremely competitive pay, benefits, and the ability to work all over the world. You’ll also get flexible scheduling.

    First Steps for Getting A Restaurant Job

    Obviously, the first step of landing a restaurant job is to fill out multiple restaurant job applications and see which companies contact you. There is always a high demand for people that are willing to get in there and get their hands dirty as well as a demand for qualified managers to run restaurants or oversee the operations of the kitchen. So, how can you prepare for your new journey into the restaurant field?

    The first thing that you can do aside from putting in your restaurant job application is to research the jobs in which you’ll be applying for. Even if it’s just an entry level restaurant job as a cook or washing dishes, you still want to know what exactly you’ll be doing and what the position entails. Also finding out growth potential, salary, and what perks the company offers is a wise move that you should all make.

    Deciding what type of restaurant that you want to work in is also equally important as the environment can be extremely different between various restaurant types. For example, working for a fast food restaurant may give you better benefits and room for growth over a small town, local restaurant but the pay may be far less as most entry level jobs in the fast food industry pay minimum wage which can range from $7.25 an hour all the way up to over $9 an hour as of November, 2013 in the United States.

    Another point that we have to mention is the job security that usually comes with working in a good restaurant. Even in this day and age when the economy goes up and down, the restaurant industry is always thriving. People don’t always need the latest gadgets, cool clothes, or big screen TVs but they always need to eat and that is something that will never change regardless of how the economy is.

    So, with all of this being said, there’s no time better than now to start putting in restaurant job applications and see what happens. You’ll make great connections (we all know how important networking is when you’re on the prowl for a new career), you’ll get valuable training that can be applied anywhere if you secure a job in the restaurant field, and you’ll meet new people as well. It doesn’t stop there though.

    Not only will you learn new skills that can be applied anywhere but you’ll also (as mentioned above) have room for growth that could lead you into different types of new jobs.

    If all of this sounds good then the only thing that’s left to do is to start putting in restaurant job applications that you could land you the career of your dreams. It may take up a little bit of your time but if you get a job that you’re happy and satisfied with, it’ll make it all worth it. Fortunately, we have resources that will allow you to apply for all the best open restaurant positions regardless of where you are from.

    Now, what are you waiting for? Start applying for the perfect restaurant job today!

    Benefits of Working at a Restaurant

    There are many benefits when it comes to working in a restaurant that not a lot of people know about. For instance, many restaurants provide training programs which can help individuals advance their skill sets in areas of their life that can help them in the future.

    Working at a restaurant is great if you enjoy having a very flexible schedule. Therefore, if you have children or a social life that you don’t want to sacrifice, you can usually get the hours that you want. That way, you won’t have to sacrifice relationships with family and friends due to a strict work schedule. A lot of people love the flexibility of the work schedule that restaurant jobs have to offer, because you certainly won’t get this sort of freedom with a typical 9-5 office job.

    A lot of people don’t give restaurant jobs the respect that they deserve. Believe it or not, working in a restaurant can actually be a very fulfilling and rewarding career. If you’re a server or a hostess, you can make some really good tips and earn a high dollar income.

    If you become a restaurant manager, you will definitely find that being in the restaurant business can be a lucrative career. At most restaurants, managers are given bonuses on a quarterly basis for maintaining restaurant quality.

    Working in a restaurant will provide you with excellent networking opportunities. The restaurant industry hires various people and with an indiscriminate attitude. Therefore, you will get to work with a ton of people that have different background, education levels, life experiences, world cultures, etc.. If you want a job working with a lot of diverse people, you may find that a restaurant job is perfect for you.

    A restaurant job can be a very physically demanding job at times. Therefore, you’re going to burn a lot of calories and you will be able to get in shape. You will find that the restaurant environment is not a sedentary one to work at. Therefore, you’re going to be on the move. This is a good thing, because it helps the time go by faster.

    Looking for resume insight? Advanced Job Interview Tips

    Searching for interview advice? Advanced Instructions for Improving your Resume

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    Fast Food Jobs Application

    Fast Food Jobs Application

    Working in the fast food industry is something that some people never want to think about doing. However, truth be told, it can be a great place to start especially if you’re in school, just getting into the world of employment, or need to supplement your current income. There are also a healthy amount of opportunities for qualified individuals to move up the ladder and take on more responsibility.

    This added responsibility also comes with more perks, a better salary, and in most cases, room to grow even further. In other words, fast food jobs aren’t just about cooking fries and flipping burgers, the work experience that you’ll receive there can go a long way.

    For those of you that are currently in college (or even high school), having a few years of work experience to accompany your degree or to get you going when you graduate, will help mold you with discipline.

    Fast Food Jobs

    So, how exactly can you get started with a new career in the fast food industry besides just simply putting in some fast food job applications? Well, there are a few different approaches that you can take.

    The first method would be to research various fast food jobs and see what you think you would like the most, want to actually go to work each day, and what you would be the most qualified for. For instance, you don’t want to apply for a Store Manager position if you’re only 16 years old. However, a job as a cook or working the drive through may be the perfect job that will put some money in your pocket and give you flexible scheduling.

    Another good example would be if you were fresh out of college with a degree related to business.

    A fast food job with a management position may be beneficial for you to get your first foot in the door. Even a job as a Shift Supervisor at your local McDonalds will get you going and take full advantage of your new degree. The point here is that regardless of where you are in life, fast food jobs have something to offer for just about anyone.

    Like other industries, fast food jobs can either be part time or full time.

    Bottom Line: Don’t be so quick to judge based on past perception.

    Application & Interview Process

    Most of them give you the option of benefits and come with some pretty cool perks. Such perks include discounted (or free) food, education reimbursement, and they tend to promote from within.

    This means when a new position opens, you have a better chance of earning it than with other types of jobs because you don’t have to worry about outside competition. In addition to that, there is usually only a few people within the company that will actually apply for the job.

    If all of this sounds good to you so far, it’s time to start putting in those fast food job applications. We have a very sound system here for putting in fast food job applications that will not take up a lot of your time. Our idea was to practically automate the process so you can spend more time finding quality positions to apply for.

    All you need is a little bit of time, some basic information, and the drive to get the perfect fast food job. If these are all things that you have, then we’d love for you to get started! Whether you’re looking for a fast food crew member job or a management position, there are jobs for everyone.

    Benefits of Fast Food Jobs

    The schedule is one thing that you are definitely going to enjoy when you work in a fast food position. There is a lot of flexibility, so it will not be a problem if you ever need to take some much needed time off.

    Chances are you will be able to find someone that you can switch your hours with. That way, you get time off and you get to make them up. Thus, you are not actually losing any hours. Also, if you need some extra money, you’ll often find that there are extra hours on the schedule that you can pick up at your own will.

    This swapping system is perfect for full-time students looking to earn some extra money while in school. For an extra boost, check out our Annual College Student of America Scholarship! You can find more information on the footer of this page under “scholarship information.”

    Working in fast food will allow you to lead a satisfying social life. Every single day you will be working with people and you will get to meet new people, as well.

    You will learn how to read and understand people better, which is a valuable life and work skill to have. We think you will also find that working with fellow employees at a fast food restaurant can be really enjoyable. This is something that many other jobs positions do not offer.

    Valuable Skills You Can Earn in the Fast Food Industry

    A lot of jobs are stationary and are actually unhealthy for you in the long term. Working a sedentary job can lead to some serious health risks. Working in fast food, you will not encounter that problem.

    • You will be working in a very fast paced environment, so you are not going to be sedentary and you won’t have to worry about becoming bored.
    • This is not the type of job where you sit around and watch the clock, slowly watching hours tick away. Instead, you will be finished with your work day before you even know it. You will also reap some of  the health benefits from working in a job of this nature.
    • You will be constantly moving, so you will be able to better stay in good physical condition.

    Odds are you have worked at other jobs where you have to take work home with you.  If you don’t have to take anything physical home with you, you probably suffer from mental stress that work is causing. For instance, if you’ve worked in sales, you’ve probably sit around, stressing out about the next day, hoping that a customer will make a purchase from you.

    With the fast food industry, you don’t take anything home with you, except for some free food from time-to-time. The work stress stays at work and once you are clocked out, you’re completely done for the day. There’s no need to worry about anything other than showing up for your next shift.

    Working at a fast food joint will give you peace of mind in knowing that you have a steady and stable income. A lot of people out there are unemployed and are unable to find a stable job. As a fast food worker, you don’t have to worry about job security as much, because the industry remains consistent and supplies employees with a steady income.

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    Searching for interview tips? Advanced Instructions for Improving your Resume

    You can find even further insight and in-depth strategies for helping you stand out in the workforce by visiting our Career and Resources portal.


    Department Store Jobs Application

    Department stores are enormous spaces where large companies are able to display all of their products for consumers. They feature a slew of different sections within the department store, which offer varying accessories and items.

    These gigantic stores typically contain the following sub-departments:

    • Clothing
    • Electronics
    • Linens
    • Furniture

    This list is not exhaustive as each department store is different and might have more extensive sections featuring items and products.

    Most of the department stores out there are actually owned by a national company that owns multiple store chains.

    Department stores are known for offering high quality merchandise that consumers won’t find at local mom and pop shops. In other words, they are able to attract shoppers of the upper class.

    If you’re an employee or thinking about feeling out what is available within Department Store Job Applications, you’ll be happy to know that they offer a ton of advancement opportunities from within the company. This is provided that you excel as an employee and that is precisely why we are here to help!

    Department Store Job Types

    Most applicants are able to enter the industry on the bottom level. To do this, you will want to apply for a position as a customer service representative or even a salesperson.

    As a salesperson, you will walk the floor and assist customers as needed.

    As a customer service representative, you will do the same thing, but you will work in a designated area of the store and customers will come to you for their needs. As a customer service representative, you will mostly help customers with returned items or supply them with site-to-store orders that they have placed.

    If you land a job as a salesperson, you may get lucky by receiving commission for your sales and diligent work. This is an incentive that only a select few department stores offer.

    If neither of these positions sound good to you, you’ll be happy to know that there are more entry-level positions, as well. For instance, you could apply to become a stocker or a shipping and receiving clerk.

    As you begin to get some time and experience under your belt, you may decide to try and advance your position. You may want to try and become a store manager, designer or even a merchandiser.

    As you can see, there are a ton of nuances and logistics that go into running a department store. Therefore, putting in some Department Store Job Applications is a great decision if you’re looking for a job.

    There are so many positions at department stores that you have a good chance of getting a job. Here is a list of some of the things that it takes to run a successful department store:

    • Selecting Inventory
    • Purchasing Inventory
    • Designing Proprietary Lines of Clothes
    • Store Maintenance
    • Financial Management
    • Provide Technical Support

    It doesn’t matter what type of education you have, because most department stores are equal opportunity employers. Therefore, you will likely find employment with as little as a high school diploma.

    The Benefits of Working at a Department Store

    Department stores offer a great level of job security, because they have a well-established customer base. Thus, you won’t have to sit around and stress about whether or not you’re able to hold a long term job.

    Larger companies will typically be able to offer employees benefits, such as health and dental. Also, larger stores will typically be able to provide employees with retirement plans.

    Job advancement is something that is definitely possible at department stores, because there are many positions to be filled.

    Try your best to find a department store that likes to hire from within. Chances are, they will be able to train you and educate you about other positions, so you’ll have a better chance at advancing your position with the company.

    If you ever have to move, you will likely be able to be transferred to another location. This way you can keep your job and not have to leave the company due to your relocation.

    You’ll find that working in a department store will provide you with a nice and quiet environment to work in. Working in large department stores will not typically be a hectic work environment.

    You’ll be working in a fast paced environment at times. The time will pass by fairly quickly and your shift will be over before you even know it. Also, you’ll definitely burn some calories, so it’s a great job for your physical well-being.

    Department Store Expectations

    If you’re a good salesperson, you will likely find that working a department store job can be a very rewarding career. As stated above, most department stores will offer some sort of commission to sales people, so you will definitely have a solid incentive to perform your best. Simply put, the better you are, the more money you can make.

    People love to shop and you are able to assist customers in making the whole shopping experience that much better.

    It’s a great feeling when you send someone home with new products that they truly enjoy and need. This will also make that customer more likely to come back in the future and interact with you. Furthermore, this will also help you earn more commission, so it’s a win-win situation for everyone that is involved.

    Working department store jobs will help you gain valuable life skills and experience. Chances are, you’ll be able to take your skills and easily find other jobs in related fields.

    Department store jobs will provide you with a flexible schedule, because they’re typically open every single day of the week. You can easily select which hours you would like to work and when you would like to work them.

    If something comes up in your life and you need to take some time off on short notice, you could probably trade hours with a fellow employee.

    If you’re looking for a department store job, we’re here to help you through the process. The earlier you put in an application, the earlier you’ll be up for consideration for a job.


    Job Career Resources Tips


    Top 200 Most Influential Resume Words

    Influential Resume Words



    The one sheet of paper that exemplifies your skills, your career path, and your first impression with a hiring manager.

    “Please send over your resume and cover letter for consideration.”

    “Uh oh, is my resume up to date? Does my current resume highlight my attributes? Will my lackluster resume cost me the job?”

    It’s time we stop becoming overly concerned with our resume and start building confidence.

    Without a doubt, your resume is vital to helping you get your foot in the door. It’s imperative for that resume to be flawless in all regards for that hiring manager to call you in for a job interview.

    The most influential and top resume “words” will help your resume stand out from a sea of competition. When hiring managers are sifting through seemingly endless piles of resumes, they are going to yawn a few times when they come across the same old resume wordage such as “great team player” and “highly dedicated”.

    You have got to snap them out of their funk and have your resume say HEY! I’m here, and here’s why I’m that awesome!

    Motivate, stimulate and inspire the hiring manager with power and influential words instead of those clichés and lazily chosen words that are often vague.

    These blah words will have the hiring managers pressing delete right away. Let’s change that notion, NOW.


    What’s In a Influential Resume?

    Your resume needs to highlight your skills. You need to connect your skills to your career interests and goals. How are your skills going to get you the job you want, and help you reach your career goals?


    SEE ALSO: Top 100 Interview Questions and the Best Ways to Approach Them


    TheLadders.com did some extensive research that shows that hiring managers only spend about 6.25 seconds scanning a resume before they decide to either shred it or put it on a shortlist. We’re talking about six seconds here. Count it: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 – done! Yikes!

    That is all of the time a hiring manager will spend scanning through your resume. Are they going to delete it or short list it? What would you do? You really have to nail your resume to get the hiring manager’s attention so they short list your resume and keep it away from the shredder. How did the pros at The Ladders find out this information?

    They used eye-tracking software with 30 hiring managers for over a period of 10 weeks. The eye-tracking software helped them study not just how long they spent looking at resumes, but more importantly what exactly they were looking at. Haven’t you always wished you had this information? Thanks to these researchers, now you do. It’s as close as we will ever get to getting a peek inside the mind of a hiring manager. How cool is that?

    TheLadders.com study also found that 80% of that 6.25 seconds is spent just scanning your name, current title, current company, previous title, previous company, current position, start and end dates, and your education.


    Get Started


    The good news is that these same hiring managers spent 20% of their time scanning resumes for words that match the job’s description. That is why you must utilize the job description to customize your resume for each application/company.

    If these hiring managers are seeking those specific keywords you need to have them in your resume to be found. It’s so important for your resume to have the top resume words in it. They also found that LinkedIn profile resumes were too distracting for hiring managers due to advertisements and images on the website. It’s better to send your own customized resume instead of linking to your LinkedIn profile for your resume. Less distraction gives you a better shot at landing a resume. Now, what top resume words do hiring managers like to see in resumes?

    Powerful and influential resume words will help your resume stand out from the rest and boost your chances of getting that call back.


    Top 200 Most Influential Resume Words

    1. Advanced
    2. Assist
    3. Assigned
    4. Able
    5. Assessed
    6. Action
    7. Absorbed
    8. Achieved
    9. Accelerated
    10. Accomplished
    11. Attained
    12. Attracted
    13. Announced
    14. Appraised
    15. Budgeted
    16. Bolstered
    17. Balanced
    18. Boosted
    19. Bargained
    20. Benefited
    21. Beneficial
    22. Comply
    23. Conduct
    24. Contributed
    25. Critiqued
    26. Closed
    27. Collaborated
    28. Committed
    29. Coordinated
    30. Created
    31. Decreased
    32. Defined
    33. Designed
    34. Delegated
    35. Delivered
    36. Demonstrated
    37. Developed
    38. Devoted
    39. Detected
    40. Displayed
    41. Distinguished
    42. Diversified
    43. Earned
    44. Efficient
    45. Eliminated
    46. Encouraged
    47. Enhanced
    48. Evaluate
    49. Examined
    50. Excelled
    51. Exceeded
    52. Experimented
    53. Enriched
    54. Facilitated
    55. Fulfilled
    56. Financed
    57. Forecasted
    58. Formulated
    59. Gained
    60. Gathered
    61. Gave
    62. Generated
    63. Guided
    64. Granted
    65. Grossed
    66. Headed
    67. Helped
    68. Hosted
    69. Ideas
    70. Identified
    71. Illustrated
    72. Implemented
    73. Improved
    74. Improvised
    75. Interviewed
    76. Instructed
    77. Invented
    78. Investigated
    79. Increased
    80. Initiated
    81. Influenced
    82. Integrated
    83. Innovated
    84. Instituted
    85. Justified
    86. Launched
    87. Listed
    88. Lobbied
    89. Logged
    90. Maintained
    91. Managed
    92. Marketed
    93. Maximized
    94. Mediated
    95. Mentored
    96. Measured
    97. Modeled
    98. Modernized
    99. Monitored
    100. Motivated
    101. Multiplied
    102. Negotiated
    103. Observed
    104. Operated
    105. Obtained
    106. Ordered
    107. Organized
    108. Originated
    109. Overhauled
    110. Oversaw
    111. Participated
    112. Performed
    113. Persuaded
    114. Pioneered
    115. Photographed
    116. Produced
    117. Planned
    118. Promoted
    119. Prepared
    120. Presented
    121. Profits
    122. Programmed
    123. Provided
    124. Publicized
    125. Purchased
    126. Projected
    127. Published
    128. Qualified
    129. Quantified
    130. Quoted
    131. Ranked
    132. Reacted
    133. Recommended
    134. Reconciled
    135. Recovered
    136. Redesigned
    137. Reengineered
    138. Referred
    139. Refined
    140. Reorganized
    141. Resolved
    142. Revamp
    143. Received
    144. Retained
    145. Reinstated
    146. Rejected
    147. Represented
    148. Restructured
    149. Revenue
    150. Revised
    151. Safeguarded
    152. Secured
    153. Sustained
    154. Strengthened
    155. Skilled
    156. Suggested
    157. Selected
    158. Saved
    159. Scheduled
    160. Supervised
    161. Supported
    162. Specified
    163. Secured
    164. Simplified
    165. Screened
    166. Superseded
    167. Segmented
    168. Solved
    169. Sorted
    170. Standardized
    171. Streamlined
    172. Studied
    173. Spearheaded
    174. Strengthened
    175. Supplied
    176. Targeted
    177. Tested
    178. Triumphed
    179. Troubleshot
    180. Taught
    181. Tutored
    182. Transcribed
    183. Translated
    184. Trained
    185. Transcended
    186. Uncovered
    187. Under Budget
    188. United
    189. Unified
    190. Updated
    191. Upgraded
    192. Utilized
    193. Validated
    194. Valued
    195. Viewed
    196. Volunteered
    197. Worldwide
    198. Witnessed
    199. Won
    200. Wrote


    There you have it! The top resume words you need to add. Of course, you shouldn’t just stuff these 200 words into your resume. That wouldn’t read well, and would guarantee your resume gets deleted right away. What you need to do is get your resume out (open up your word program or print it out) and see where you can add some of these power words.

    A great way to start is to print this article and carefully read through all of the words listed here. Highlight the ones you like and think you can use. Then go back to your resume to see where you can use or add these resume words.

    You should be able to find some places where you need to replace a word with one on this list. It’s going to take some time and effort, but it will be worth it in the end.

    Think about your objective, your skills, your experience, your education, your professional affiliations, and your awards. Where can you add these powerful, influential, top resume words so your resume will stand out from your competitors?

    This is a competition for a job position and you can win with a stellar resume and a remarkable job interview. Blow the hiring manager away with both. An outstanding resume will get you a call back for a job interview, and then you can use your learned skills to nail the interview and land the job of your dreams. You can reach your career goals and make a living doing what you love, what you are passionate about.

    You just have to have the drive and perseverance to get there, because if you don’t, someone else will, and they will be the ones loving their job and reaching for the stars.


    Resume Words to Avoid

    Along with top resume words you need to include in your resume there are some words you most likely need to delete from your resume. These are mostly clichés and just bad word choices. The words to avoid are any that are vague, unclear, ambiguous. How are you a team player? What makes you the go to person? See how those are vague terms? Show, don’t tell. Avoid these horrible resume words brought to you from a CareerBuilder survey:

    1. Best of breed (What? I don’t know where this resume term came from. Have you ever used this one?)
    2. Go-getter
    3. Think outside of the box (this is a cliché)
    4. Synergy
    5. Go-to person (for what?)
    6. Thought leadership (huh?)
    7. Value add
    8. Results-driven (another vague term)
    9. Team player
    10. Bottom-line
    11. Hard worker (prove it!)
    12. Strategic thinker
    13. Dynamic
    14. Self-motivate
    15. Detail-oriented (another cliché)
    16. Proactively
    17. Track record (This one is also on the top 200 most influential resume words, so I guess there are some hiring managers that like the term and some that do not. It may be best to simply avoid the term altogether just in case).

    Avoid words that imply you have done something such as some of the words and phrases listed above. Other words you need to avoid are those that self-praise. You can see them in the list above: hard worker, strategic thinker, etc. So what? The hiring manager is not going to care what you think about yourself. She wants to see what you have accomplished.

    She wants proof and results, just like your last employer wanted – results. What have you done that will match you to the job position you are applying for. When you need to show what you can do for this company you can do so during your job interview. The resume and application is just your first step to getting you the interview, and then the job. Focus on one task at a time.

    Prove Your Skills, Show Your Accomplishments

    So, what do you need to include in your awesome resume? Results. Proof. Show what you have done within your resume. What have you accomplished as an employee for other companies?

    How have you made your managers’ jobs easier for them? How have you improved the workplace?

    Have you resolved company issues? What have you done otherwise? Are you actively involved in your career’s industry? How so? Include anything like this such as increasing sales, decreased expenses, implemented a successful project or plan, resolved a conflict in the office, sold a good percentage of products or services, published a book, received extra training, or negotiated an amazing deal.

    Whatever you have done for your previous employers, include it in your resume and talk about it during your job interview. Remember to show what you have accomplished, and avoid using vague terms in your resume. You only have an average of 6.25 seconds to impress the hiring manager or hiring manager so make your resume words count. When taking another look at your resume ask yourself, so what? This will help you read your resume as a hiring manager will and help you get rid of the terms you don’t need and add content to your resume that you do need.

    Imagine if the hiring manager is having a bad day, is tired or bored, is distracted, or just wants to go home for the day. They are just like we are. They might have a kid that is sick, they might be ill, maybe their neighbors kept them up all night, or someone in their life is making their life difficult.

    There are numerous reasons as to why you might have a non-personal resume rejection from the hiring manager. While no hiring manager would admit to doing this (probably) they probably have deleted resumes that they should have short listed all because of a bad day.

    Customize Your Resume

    The resume you have saved on your computer right now is only a start. Revise it thoroughly using this article. Seek out words you can add to your resume, and check for some you in all probability need to delete.

    Now think of this new and shiny resume as your template. When you see a new job opportunity you want to send in an application for, don’t send your template resume! Remember that hiring managers and hiring managers are looking for words within your resume that match the job description.

    Read the job description and see which words you can add to your resume so yours gets noticed. Customize your resume for each and every job opportunity so when you send in a new application somewhere you will increase your chances at getting an interview dramatically.

    Resume Tips & Advice
    The economy is improving, albeit slowly, but it is getting better. An increasing number of  companies anticipate hiring more staff to fill current and new job positions. New small businesses are opening up all over the country and will be hiring new employees to fill their needs. You just need to step up and find those job openings in your industry that fit your career goals.

    It’s not always going to be easy, because looking for a job, applying for a job, and interviewing for a job is all work in and of itself. You might not like this job seeking work, but keep your eye on the end result. Your career goals. Where do you want to be in the near future? Where do you want to be working?

    Respect the Hiring Manager’s Time

    After all of your hard work in job seeking, have some faith. While the economy is slowly improving you must be patient. Don’t pester the hiring manager with phone calls and emails.

    One simple and short follow-up email or phone call about two weeks after you have sent your resume is enough. Annoying the hiring manager will surely get your resume deleted. Just shoot over an email or make a quick phone call to make sure that the hiring manager has received your resume. Some people even wait four weeks to make that follow up contact.

    It depends on the company and how many resumes they are likely to receive. Sometimes the hiring manager will put a note directly in the job description saying, “please do not send follow up emails or call for an update”. These people are very busy. Respect their time.

    The bottom line here is to dramatically improve your resume to include these top resume words. Now you know you have an average of 6.25 seconds to really impress the hiring manager. You also now know that they are scanning your resume for words and phrases that match the job description. Include those words from the description. It really is vital that you do this so you get a call back for an interview.

    You can’t simply send the same resume to each different job opening along with your application. You need to put in the extra work to read through the job description and customize your resume for that particular company.

    You also need to use this list of the top 200 most influential resume words (and the worst resume words to avoid) to make your resume the best that it can be. Get to work on your resume and you will start seeing some results in no time.

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    The Definitive LinkedIn Checklist Guide

    LinkedIn Checklist

    LinkedIn is the number one social networking site for professionals and business people. These are the latest stats on LinkedIn (and why you need this LinkedIn checklist):

    Members – 200 million registered members

    New Members – 2 new members register every second

    Company Pages – over 2.6 million

    Groups – 1 million

    Hiring – Half of Fortune 100 companies hire through the site

    That’s a lot of people! Plus, most recruiters and hiring managers will post their jobs on LinkedIn, and they will search for new candidates on this massive network.

    This definitive LinkedIn Checklist Guide will help you build an established LinkedIn profile, network with industry professionals, learn new concepts, and build long term business relationships.


    SEE ALSO: Stop! You’re Using LinkedIn Wrong Without This Step


    If you are seeking a job you are missing out on a lot of opportunities if you’re not a member on LinkedIn. Even if you are on LinkedIn you may not be utilizing it properly to gain the attention you need in order to land your dream job.

    It’s even important to maintain your profile during your employment so if you should lose your job, relocate, decide to switch careers, or want to go with another company you can keep your contacts from your previous employment. Maintain a good reputation and your connections will help you reach your dreams.

    Definitive LinkedIn Checklist Guide

    Optimize your LinkedIn profile to best market yourself in your chosen job field with this definitive LinkedIn checklist. According to Undercover Recruiter, only 50.5 percent of members have a complete profile as defined by LinkedIn. Let’s fix that for you.

    LinkedIn Checklist: Complete Your Profile

    It’s vital to have a complete profile on LinkedIn. It makes you easier to find by recruiters with a professional and attractive profile. Recruiters don’t like incomplete profiles. Here’s your checklist within a checklist on completing your profile:

    • Professional Headshot: Get a nice photo for your profile.
    • Keyword Heavy Headline: Use keywords related to your profession so recruiters can find you.
    • Create a Custom URL: using your name is best.
    • A Stand Out Profile Summary: add in your specialties and make sure your summary sets you apart from your competition.
    • Add Your Experience: add in all of the information from your previous jobs.
    • Include Proof of Your Awesomeness: How did you help your previous employers? Did you increase sales? Decrease expenses? Win awards?
    • Job Position Titles: Make them powerful statements.
    • Choose Your Skills and Expertise Areas: Add up to 50 or more.
    • Add Your Education and Credentials: be thorough with this information.
    • Join at least 2 LinkedIn groups that are related to your career industry.
    • Ask for Endorsements: Get at least 3 of them.
    • Go through your profile and add in industry related keywords throughout your profile.
    • Check out the extra sections to see what you can add to your profile.
    • Add links to your profile to your website and anything including your work.
    • Confirm your contact information.

    Build Your Network

    Now that your profile is complete, expanding your network is next on your LinkedIn checklist. It’s important to have connections from professionals within your career industry.

    • Add connections to get up to 250
    • Send invitations to get connected to important people
    • Start endorsing your connections so they return the favor
    • Join more LinkedIn groups (10+)
    • Make sure your endorsed skills are visible to others
    • Frequently look over and improve your key words

    Expand our Network

    Now that you’ve begun to build your LinkedIn network it’s time to step it up and really expand. This will ensure you reach more people, get more connections, and help recruiters find you.

    • Build your connections to 500
    • Personalize your connection requests
    • Join more group related to your career so you are now in 30 LinkedIn groups
    • Accept fitting connections as you get requests to connect from others
    • Introduce yourself to your LinkedIn groups
    • Join discussions within your groups
    • Remove connections as needed
    • Start regularly posting status updates

    Nurture Strategic Connections

    Your LinkedIn profile’s complete, you’ve built your connections, and you’ve expanded your network. It’s time to put your profile to work by using these strategies to gain exposure to more career opportunities.

    • Start new discussions on your LinkedIn groups
    • Send LinkedIn messages to your connections
    • Update your status more frequently
    • Use the advanced search to find recruiters and hiring managers

    Keep your profile fresh by updating relevant information, answering messages, posting status updates regularly, and expanding your connections even further. This is the best way to work your profile to get the connections you need to gain the interest of relevant recruiters and hiring managers.

    You must keep in contact with them, as well as maintain group discussions. Print this LinkedIn checklist and get to work building your network. Keep this list and check it again in three months to maintain the strength of your networking.

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    Uh Oh! Signs You’re About to be Let Go: Here’s How to Avoid It

    You heard rumors around work that the company is going to be letting some people go.

    The layoffs are coming.

    Are you going to be one of them?

    Maybe your company isn’t laying a bunch of people off, but your last review wasn’t great and you’re not getting good vibes about your job anymore.

    You’re nervous, but not sure how to tell if you’re going to be let go or not. Stop worrying and check these signs. If you’re not seeing these signs you probably don’t need to worry, but should step up your performance. If you are seeing these signs here’s how to avoid getting let go.


    Your Job Responsibilities Have Disappeared

    This is a bad sign. If you used to be leading teams on big projects and now you’re getting coffee and making mail runs it’s a sign you are about to be let go. When an employer takes away responsibilities from an employee it means they no longer trust them. It also means the employee was doing a poor job. Even if the company isn’t headed to the conference room for a meeting on who to layoff, you could still get fired.

    Your responsibilities should increase with the length of time of your employment. Anytime that decreases there is cause for concern. A lack of responsibilities means it will be easier to fire you because the employer will already have other employees doing your old work.

    What to do: Work your butt off. Get to work early every day. Go above and beyond with the responsibilities and job tasks you do have. Stay late if you can. Don’t take any days off. Show your appreciation and enthusiasm for your job.

    You Suddenly Disappear

    Not literally, of course, but your boss and work colleagues start avoiding you. That’s a huge sign that you’re about to be let go. No one wants to talk to you or look you in the eye. It’s uncomfortable and awkward.

    What to do: Confront your employer about the situation. Ask to meet with him or her at their earliest convenience and let them know that you feel like people are avoiding you. Give examples. Ask for feedback from your boss. Create an opportunity to turn it around and avoid getting let go.

    You’ve Been Disciplined Recently

    So, you messed up recently and the boss noticed. If you’re always late, don’t do well, take too many days off, don’t sell enough, etc. you have to know that you are on the road to being let go, especially if you’re in a meeting with your boss about your poor job performance.

    What to do: Accept the truth. Right now, you’re not a good employee. Starting tomorrow you will be. Show up 15 minutes early every day. That’s considered on time in the professional world. Stay focused during your work hours. Do your job well. Avoid taking any days off. Keep your nose down and avoid conflict with colleagues. You can turn this around.

    Your Company Has Merged or Been Bought Out

    This is a flashing sign that layoffs are about to go around. The bigger company will most likely already have someone that does your job. This creates a duplicate position that needs to be eliminated, and that means one of you has to go. It’s usually you, because you’ll stay for a while to get the new employee adjusted to your specific work and daily tasks, and then they’ll let you go.

    What to do: Start looking for another job. Unfortunately, there isn’t much you can do here but move on to another company.

    Writing Your Job Description

    It’s odd that employers do this, but before they fire an employee they will ask them to write their job description including skills and experience needed, daily tasks, etc. It may seem obvious reading about it now, but many employees don’t see this huge sign of being let go.

    They’re asking you to write it so they can use it in a job post. Yikes!

    What to do: Ask why you need to write your job description. Sometimes employers do this so they can analyze everyone’s work at the company. They really just want to see what everyone is contributing. Sometimes they have this information, but need it updated so they ask you to write it. If the company is looking for ways to cut costs they might be asking all employees to do this to see if they can eliminate any positions. Again, there isn’t much you can do to avoid getting let go in this situation. Show your strengths and what you contribute to the company. Be indispensible so they fear letting you go.

    Do your job to the best of your abilities and always work on going above and beyond to be an asset to your employer to avoid getting let go.

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    Capitalizing On the First Two Minutes of Your Job Interview

    The first two minutes of your job interview are vital to whether you are taken seriously or not.

    You need to Capitalize on it.

    While the recruiter or hiring manager interviewing you might change her mind later if her first impression of you was poor, it is so much better to start the interview off with confidence, positivity, professionalism, and personality – all that will lead you to an amazing first impression. It’s much easier to maintain your good first impression throughout the interview rather than having to make up for a poor first impression.


    Follow these outlined steps below to capitalize on the first two minutes of your interview and complete it with flying colors. Make those precious minutes count in your favor.

    Job Interview Preparation

    • Be sure to turn off your phone, tablet, laptop or other devices that could be disturbing during the interview. This shows respect, responsibility and professionalism. Those who forget to do this are seen as careless and not someone a recruiter or hiring manager would want to hire.
    • Make sure your clothing is clean and ironed. Your clothing should look its best for the occasion. Use a lint roller to remove any pet hair or other debris. Shine your shoes so they aren’t dull. This shows the hiring manager that you were willing to put in some time and effort into your appearance.
    • Dress appropriately. Remember that you can never overdress for a job interview, so don’t worry about dressing up, just do it. Clothing and accessories to avoid are flip flops, tank tops, crop tops, shorts, mini anything, shirts with a low V neck, clothes with holes in them, sunglasses (keep them in your car or tuck them away in your bag). Avoid wearing too much makeup as well. Go for a natural look.
    • Be sure not to be chatty or convey anything personal in a public reception or waiting area. It’s best to keep to yourself but be aware of your surroundings. You may not think anyone’s watching, especially the hiring manager, but the receptionist will be reporting any bad behavior. Once you walk in that door you are on watch.
    • Practice your smile. A genuine, kind smile is important. Some people don’t smile enough, which makes them come off as cold or indifferent. Practice during conversations with friends, family and store clerks. Remind yourself to smile when greeting and at appropriate times.
    • Keep your personal effects to a minimum. Only bring in what is essential to the interview.

    Assessing Your Job Qualifications

    Mentally prepare yourself for the interview by knowing what you bring to the table. Be prepared with a folder containing a print out of the job description, an extra copy of your customized resume for this particular position, and some information about the company.

    Bring proof of anything you’ve accomplished in your career including copies of diplomas, certifications, degrees, internships, affiliations, and anything you have done to help your employers.

    The Introduction

    Interview etiquette is what you would like to display upon introduction. A good rule of thumb is to play “follow the leader”. If a hand is outstretched for a meet and greet handshake, respond with the same amount of pressure while maintaining eye contact.

    Smile warmly and engage your interviewer. if you’re worried about the length of eye contact use this trick: look into the hiring manager’s eyes and note her eye color. That’s enough time.

    Feel safe in stating your eagerness to learn more about the opportunity. Be yourself, and don’t be afraid to show some personality. Otherwise, you’ll come off as a bit robotic.

    Body Language

    Be very careful about what your body language is saying. Are you fidgeting, bouncing your knee, eye-shifting, or looking away? A large percentage of communication is done non-verbally.

    When you first walk in do so with purpose and confidence, even if you’re not. Stand tall and maintain good posture. Use purposeful hand gestures or not at all. Speak clearly and slowly. Avoid crossing your arms or fiddling with your pen.

    Your body language will say much more about what you are thinking and feeling than your words will. Practice good posture, which will help you remember to maintain good body language. Plus, it’s good for you!

    Capitalize on the first two minutes of your job interview, because they are the most important ones. The first impression you give the recruiter or hiring manager is so important.

    She will be checking you out and already making decisions about you from the moment she sees you. Make those thoughts and feelings good so she will be more likely to hire you for the job than someone else. Remember, smile, make eye contact, have a firm handshake, keep good posture, be yourself, dress well, and be prepared.

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    Victoria’s Secret Application

    Victoria’s Secret Application

    Victorias Secret Logo



    Victoria’s Secret is a renowned American designer and manufacturer of premium women’s lingerie, women’s clothing, and a variety of beauty products. With yearly sales of over $6 billion, it is easily the largest retailer of its kind. With a Victoria’s Secret application, you’ll have everything you need to join this wildly successful company.

    Join us today as we look at the company’s history, followed by their hiring process, and finally a look at the potential benefits you can expect when you start a career here.

    The Company’s History and Culture

    Victoria’s Secret began in 1977 when Roy Raymond and his wife, Gaye, founded the company in San Francisco, California. The idea was created when Raymond had an embarrassing experience purchasing lingerie for his wife at a department store.

    He had an interview with Newsweek in 1981 when he recalled the event, saying:

    “When I tried to buy lingerie for my wife, I was faced with racks of terry-cloth robes and ugly floral-print nylon nightgowns and I always had the feeling the department store saleswoman thought I was an unwelcome intruder.”

    During this time period, it was very rare that women purchased anything beyond basic clothing. Common items today like thongs or push-up bras were considered niche products during this time.

    Raymond looked into the market thoroughly before borrowing $40,000 from his parents and another $40K from the bank to create a store where people would feel comfortable purchasing lingerie. The name “Victoria” was supposed to call to mind the elegance of the Victorian era, while the “secret” referred to the garments hidden beneath regular clothing.

    Despite being a niche market, Victoria’s Secret grew rapidly during its first years. In 1983, the company changed its strategy when the concept of selling lingerie to men for their wives began to die down. They turned their focus to the female customer.

    Today, Victoria’s Secret is known for both its catalogues and the fashion show they have been holding since 1995. This show has been credited with “transforming America’s conception of Lingerie.”

    They did this by turning undergarments into a type of accepted fashion. Ultimately, Victoria’s Secret helped paved the way for women to shop comfortably for designer garments and lingerie without any kind of social stigma attached to it.

    Today, you’ll find that their stores offer a range of clothing, underwear, and lingerie options. They also offer a wide assortment of body sprays and lotions with unique and pleasant scents. Competitive sales and constant promotions keep customers coming back again and again.

    Direct Competitors

    While this company paved the way for women’s lingerie and underwear to become fashionable and mainstream, others have joined the revolution. When you’re finished applying here, you can check out The Gap which offers a brand called GapBody. In addition, American Eagle Outfitters launched their own women’s underwear line.

    Finally, Fredericks of Hollywood is a major competitor that sells similar styles of lingerie and women’s clothing.

    Victoria’s Secret Application Online

    Victoria’s Secret locations are commonly found in shopping malls throughout the United States. With strong business throughout the year, and massive influxes of shoppers during the holidays, they are always looking for new people to join their team.

    Printable Victoria Secret Application







    Printable Victorias Secret Job Application
    The ideal applicants are people who have a strong knowledge and enthusiasm for the types of products Victoria’s Secret sells. If you’re familiar with various fashion styles in women’s clothing, lingerie, and underwear, you’ll have an edge over the competition.

    An entry-level position at Victoria’s Secret is usually sales oriented and requires knowledge of the products, along with great customer service skills and an understanding of the POS (point of sale) systems used by the company.

    As with many retail positions, Victoria’s Secret offers room to grow in your career. You’ll find opportunities are available for management if you’re a hard worker with strong leadership and marketing skills.

    The company requires that applicants are 18-years old at a minimum. If you fit these requirements, you can apply for a position on the Victoria’s Secret careers page. The online employment forms here are easy to access and offer you a simple and easy way to apply.

    You’ll need to create a strong username and password combination for your profile and then you’ll have the option to upload your resume and apply for multiple positions with ease. Make sure you polish your resume and check that it showcases your most relevant skills.

    Once you’ve applied, you can use your login to check the status of your employment forms. It’s highly recommended that you also go to the physical location where you applied. Dress professionally and introduce yourself to the hiring manager.

    If you’d like, you can bring a copy of your resume to give them in person, so they have a quick reference for your name and experience. Typically applicants receive word about interviews within two weeks of applying online.

    While you’re waiting to hear back from the hiring manager, be sure to polish up your knowledge of the industry and your familiarity with the company using online articles like this one. That way, when it comes time for your interview, you’ll showcase an expertise for the company’s history.

    Benefits and Salary Information

    Getting hired at Victoria’s Secret at an entry-level position offers you roughly $9.00 per hour as a starting rate. Promotions and raises can easily bring this to $12.00 per hour. As time goes on, rising up the corporate ladder will offer you additional salary options up to $60,000 per year as a manager with the company.

    In terms of benefits, these are dependent on how long you’ve been working with the company. Here are the benefits you can expect:

    ● Flexible Scheduling
    ● Merchandise discounts
    ● Paid time off
    ● Tuition reimbursement
    ● Commuter benefits
    ● Medical, dental, and prescription plans
    ● 401(k) retirement plans

    Final Thoughts

    Your Victoria Secret application opens the doors to a fulfilling and exciting career. With this company, your knowledge, drive, and passion will reward you with a high paying and fast-paced career. Thanks for reading, and best of luck in your upcoming career with Victoria’s Secret!

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